🫢 目を開けて口に手を当てた顔 Emoji Meaning

目を開けて口に手を当てた顔 emoji meaning in other languages

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The Face with open eyes and hand over mouth 🫢 emoji is a yellow face with a neutral expression. Its eyes are open wide and its mouth is covered by its right hand. The hand is held up in a gesture of surprise or shock.

This emoji can be used to express surprise, shock, or disbelief in response to something that has been said or seen. It can also be used to express embarrassment or to indicate that someone is trying to keep a secret.

The Face with open eyes and hand over mouth 🫢 emoji conveys a sense of disbelief, surprise, or shock. It can also be used to express embarrassment or to indicate that someone is trying to keep a secret. It is a useful tool for expressing a range of emotions in a concise and easily understood way.