🤐 Visage avec bouche fermeture éclair Emoji Signification

Visage avec bouche fermeture éclair emoji signification dans d'autres langues

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The Zipper-mouth face emoji 🤐 is a yellow face with a closed zipper for a mouth. Its eyes are wide open and it has a furrowed brow, suggesting a look of surprise or confusion.

This emoji is often used to indicate a need for discretion or secrecy. It can also be used to express a feeling of being speechless or overwhelmed. It can also be used to indicate a lack of interest in a conversation or topic.

The Zipper-mouth face emoji can be used to express a range of emotions, from surprise to confusion to frustration. It can also be used to indicate a need for privacy or to signal that someone should not say anything. It can also be used to indicate that someone is not interested in a conversation or topic.

Overall, the Zipper-mouth face emoji is a versatile tool for expressing a range of emotions and communicating a need for discretion. It can be used to express surprise, confusion, frustration, or a lack of interest in a conversation or topic.