😰 Visage anxieux avec goutte de sueur Emoji Signification

Visage anxieux avec goutte de sueur emoji signification dans d'autres langues

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The Anxious face with sweat 😰 emoji is a yellow face with an expression of fear or worry. Its eyes are wide open and its mouth is open in a grimace. Sweat is dripping from its forehead, indicating a feeling of intense anxiety.

This emoji can be used to express fear or worry in a variety of situations. It may be used to express fear of a particular outcome, such as a test result or a job interview. It can also be used to express fear of the unknown, such as when someone is waiting for news or an event.

The Anxious face with sweat 😰 emoji can also be used to express feelings of anxiety or stress in a more general sense. It can be used to express feelings of being overwhelmed or to indicate that a situation is causing a person to feel anxious.

Overall, the Anxious face with sweat 😰 emoji communicates a feeling of intense fear or worry. It can be used to express fear of a particular outcome or to express feelings of anxiety or stress in a more general sense.